Being able to manage our emotional responses, even in the face of adversity, is a foundation of emotional capacity building. Being able to manage our emotional responses, even in the face of adversity, is a foundation of emotional capacity.
who constantly overreact emotionally are also less
likely to receive the feedback they need to improve.
If a person breaks into tears every time we give them feedback, most of us would come to dread those feedback conversations, and eventually might avoid them altogether.
Learning to handle feedback—and proving to others that you can handle adversity and difficult situations—is a huge part of building your capacity, personally and professionally.
Like many things in life & business, emotion
has a time and place. It’s crucial to have
your emotions be seen as an asset and not a
“Take control of your emotions
before your emotions take control of you.” – Scott Dye
"If criticism from outside proves
devastating, it is because it so readily joins forces with an infinitely more
strident and more aggressive form of criticism that has long existed inside of
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